that song in my head

that song in my head

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

my not so new years resolutions

i was thinking a lot about this the other day, and after talking with andrew about it, i came to make a decision. i havent been happy about my physical or spiritual life the past several months. instead of moaning and groaning about my pants being too tight, i knew i needed to do something about it. i decided that on my days off, i was going to do some sort of work-out video (because heaven knows i'm too tired on the days i work and what in the world would i do with jude if i were to join a gym??).

in regards to my spiritual life, i wasnt feeling oh-so-healthy either. i didnt feel bad, exactly, but i felt...complacent. that was scary to me. i want to feel challenged and closer to God. when i first was pregnant with jude, i prayed so hard and so often. i felt so close to God at that time, in spite of my situation. i realized that the main factor lacking in my life was daily conversation with God and time spent in the Word. for the non-believers reading this, this doesnt make me a hypocrite. in our walk with the Lord, there are mountains and valleys, ebbs and flows. while i knew i wasnt in a valley, i was on the downward slope. i decided that i needed to be spending time in prayer and reading my Bible everyday.

now i admit, i havent done the best on either account, but i'm working on it.

i'm a work in progress.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

lions and tigers and storage units, oh my!

i was driving around BA/tulsa today and noticed at least 3-4 storage facilities. obviously, business must be booming if there are that many just within a few miles of each other. i just keep thinking about what the bible says about our heart and our treasure. is our heart with jesus, or is it with stuff? i'd like to think to myself that i don't have such a problem with "stuff," since i have no storage unit filled to capacity, but....andrew brought up an interesting point today. when he asked me how many shoes i had, i honestly had no idea. he estimated forty....FORTY. i know there are women with more pairs than that, but it's still an incredible amount. it makes me think about the guy who started toms shoes and how he gives a pair to a child who has NONE....and i have approximately 40.

while i do LOVE shoes, i pray i never have so many that i "need" to rent a storage unit.
